
⚡ This application allows to perform more easily the adb commands

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Total alerts Language grade: Python

eZadb is a python application that aims to provide the Android Debug Bridge (adb) funcionalities in more simple and intuitive way.

ezadb has two modes:

  • command-line: this mode allows you to use some of the most common adb commands, e.g.: install/uninstall packages; grant/revoke permissions; input text; etc.
  • graphical mode: this mode provides almost the same features as the command-line mode but in a more intuitive way.

To install go to the command line and type:

 pip install ezadb

Command Line Tool

command line

See the wiki page for more information

Gui Interface

gui interface

See the wiki page for more information


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


A big thanks to Artur Costa - cosart that helped in the beginning of the project.


eZadb is made available under the terms of the GPLv3.

See the LICENSE file that accompanies this distribution for the full text of the license.